مدرسون المرحلة الثانوية
Mohammed Abdel Halem
بنها , القليوبية
My object is to create an excellent learning environment and to help each student to improve their Arabic abilities.
3 ثMr. Ibrahim
بنها , القليوبية
My object is to create an excellent learning environment and to help each student to improve their Maths abilities.
3 ثEhab Gaber
بنها , القليوبية
My object is to create an excellent learning environment and to help each student to improve their Geology abilities.
3 ثMohammed Abdel Hamed
بنها , القليوبية
My object is to create an excellent learning environment and to help each student to improve their Arabic abilities.
Prep First Year Prep Second Year Prep Third Year Sec First Year Sec Second Year Sec Third Year
تواصل معانا
بعد كل ما رأيته هنا اذا اردت ان تسأل اى اسالة فمرحب بك ان تتواصل معنا